Have You Read the Illyrian Codex Yet?

One of the team’s talented writers (Mike Hanson) put together a rather lengthy codex, which chronicles Illyrian lore and provides a more in-depth backstory for the game. Recently, we adapted the codex for online viewing and pushed it live here on the site. If you haven’t had the chance to check it out, you should go and do that.

You can read the Illyrian codex here.

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Many of you are probably wondering why we would feature a post on the codex itself. It’s because the codex is a completely standalone project that was created to entertain our loyal fans. Just like the game is meant to be experienced, so is the codex. We believe that it adds to the game immensely, and many players have expressed the same opinion. The codex is actually available through the game, and can be viewed while the data files are being downloaded and installed.

It explains nearly everything about Illyria, including the climate, creatures and inhabitants, local culture and more. Ever wonder where the dreaded Anthra came from? Want to know what the Feylanorians generally eat for dinner? Want to know what the most resourceful city in Kourmar is? All of these answers can be found in the pages of the codex.

It includes over 35,000 words, and about 23 chapters of themed content. One could say we really did our homework before putting this game together. We’d encourage you to do the same!

Have you read the codex? What did you think? Do you feel it adds to the game? Please share your thoughts in the comments!

The Online Codex is Live

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Our web specialist worked tirelessly to adapt the Tales of Illyria Codex for the web. Without further ado, it’s now live! Whoo hoo!

If you would like to view it online, you can visit the page here. You can also visit the appropriate link in the main menu above (hint: it’s listed under “Game”). The page includes links to download the codex directly (PDF) for viewing on tablets, smartphones or your desktop.

By the way, when we say “massive” we’re not kidding. The Codex features over 40,000 words, crafted by our very own Mikal Hanson. It explores Illyrian lore and provides an in-depth backstory to the game. If you’d like to know a little more about the land of Illyria, then be sure to check it out!