The Sequel is in Development

We have some interesting news to share with you today. Beside the fact that our team is going to be producing regular content for this site, we’d also like to officially announce that the sequel is in development.

Tales of Illyria on tablet

Due to that news, many of you will question whether or not we are going to continue to support the original game in the series- Tales of Illyria. The answer to that is a resounding yes. We will regularly offer updates to the game engine, mechanics and address any bugs or issues that may crop up. In addition, we will also be porting the original game to many different platforms. You can see the evidence of that in our recent announcement of the new MOGA controller support. Ouya compatibility is coming very soon!

We will also continue to add new events to the game over time, and any general changes to the game engine for the second title will be implemented in Tales of Illyria too. That is, if we make changes to the combat mechanics or gameplay it will happen across all of our titles. The engine was designed to be universal in that respect. Please don’t take this to mean we are leaving the original game in the dust, far from it! We are still enthusiastically adding to Tales of Illyria as necessary.

That being said, our very talented team of writers is currently focused on generating content for the sequel. Look out for another post in the coming days that describes the sequel in more detail.

For now, we’d like to thank you very much for your supporting our game and the team. Tales of Illyria has definitely been a success and it is because of fans like you that was possible.

The Online Codex is Live

Illyrian Codex Banner
Our web specialist worked tirelessly to adapt the Tales of Illyria Codex for the web. Without further ado, it’s now live! Whoo hoo!

If you would like to view it online, you can visit the page here. You can also visit the appropriate link in the main menu above (hint: it’s listed under “Game”). The page includes links to download the codex directly (PDF) for viewing on tablets, smartphones or your desktop.

By the way, when we say “massive” we’re not kidding. The Codex features over 40,000 words, crafted by our very own Mikal Hanson. It explores Illyrian lore and provides an in-depth backstory to the game. If you’d like to know a little more about the land of Illyria, then be sure to check it out!

Tales of Illyria Now Supports MOGA Game Controllers!

You can now play Tales of Illyria with your Moga Game controller! You can even play on on your big screen TV using HDMI out and the controller!

Tales of Illyria Featured MOGA game

Our game was featured by the MOGA team along with Downhill Xtreme, Forsaken Planet, Into the Dead, Bus Simulator 3D, Blue Skies Helicopter Shooter, Heroes of Loot and WhiteWater 3D.

Congrats are also in order to PikPokForsaken Planet,GameSpotOrangePixel, and Laughing Gull Productions!